
Technical Reports & White Papers


IPC-WP-004 - White Paper

Design for Success

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Original Version
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Released:  08/01/1994
Current Revision
Addresses the complete process of reengineering new product development processes to incorporate DFX methodologies. Presents the case for a comprehensive analysis of the key business issues and definition of requirements before initiating work to refine or restructure processes. Editor, Dieter Bergman, IPC. 88 pages. Released by the Surface Mount Council, April 1997.
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Original Version
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Released:  05/14/2009
Current Revision
As most of the world converts to lead-free manufacturing, the concern over tin whiskers as a reliability hazard has grown due to the emergence of pure tin as a dominate component surface finish. A significant amount of research on tin whisker formation and tin whisker mitigating strategies has been performed in both commercial and defense industries. This working paper is a summary of the...
Document #:
Original Version
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Released:  10/02/2018
Current Revision
This document details the test procedures, test results and team conclusions for the IPC Cleaning and Cleanliness Testing Program, Phase 3, Low Solids Flux in Ambient Air. This effort has been part of a multi-stage program to investigate material and process alternatives to the use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in electronics manufacturing. This Phase 3 effort has been dedicated to characterizing...
Document #:
Original Version
Product Type
Released:  07/01/2002
Current Revision
This original research was a cooperative effort between the EMPF and IPC, released as EMPF-RR-0013 in 1993 for better understanding of ionic cleanliness testing. The IPC Ionic Conductivity/Ion Chromatography Test Task Group has validated its continued importance and relevance to the cleaning community and IPC-TR-583 is the result. It includes how solvent temperature influences the final...
Document #:
Original Version
Product Type
Released:  05/01/2006
Current Revision
This Technical Report details the investigations into identifying stress tests that distinguish between robust and non-robust surface finishes. A robust finish will pass a test for solderability whereas a non-robust finish will fail. The stress tests identified do not necessarily duplicate real world environment (fabrication of the bare printed board through assembly), but they must correlate to...

IPC-WP-008 - White Paper

Setting Up Ion Chromatography Capability

Document #:
Original Version
Product Type
Released:  12/01/2005
Ion chromatography has been recognized as a method for which the data output is ion specific and very precise in the quantification of ionic residues. This paper is intended for those contemplating the setup of an ion chromatography lab and provides many of the practical considerations that should be addressed, including the core components of an ion chromatograph system such as carrier solutions...
Document #:
Original Version
Product Type
Released:  03/01/2009
This technical report provides the documentation of a round robin testing effort that generated data used by the 4-14 Plating Processes Subcommittee in developing the maximum immersion silver plating thickness requirement in the revision A of IPC-4553. This compendium of data resulted from three information sets: a) Test vehicle assembly report by Celestica, b) Thermal cycle test report by...